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Create a Virtual Machine and Attach an osDisk Snapshot using ARM Template
Azure Resource Manager (ARM)| Snapshot | Azure CLI
5 min readJun 21, 2021
Have you ever had a need to replicate a Virtual Machine using an Existing Operating System (OS) Disk on Azure? Well, i know i did. So this article will explain how to do this.
- Assumes you already created a Virtual Network (VNet), Network Security Groups (NSGs), and Subnet to associate to the below Virtual Machine.
- Assumes you have Azure CLI Installed
- Assumes you have the capability to run ARM Templates
Step 1. Creating the Snapshot
You can create a snapshot with easy by using the Azure CLI commands. I have written a powershell script that will do just this:
# Must already have a Virtual Machine with an OS Disk prior to running the script.
$resourceGroup = "<your resource group name>"
$virtualMachineName = "<your virtual machine name>"
$snapshotName = "<name of your new snapshot>"Write-Output "Getting OS Disk ID for Virtual Machine..."
$osDiskId = az vm list -g $resourceGroup --query "[?name == '$virtualMachineName']" --output tsv